
ecflow_start.sh 脚本会自动启动 ecflow_server。 手动启动 ecFlow 后,服务器处于 halted 状态,需要 restart 服务器。 halted 状态的服务器不会调度任务。


检查服务器的状态,输入下列 unix 命令

ecflow_client --stats

stats 命令的运行结果:

$ecflow_client --host=login05 --port=33083 --stats
Server statistics
   Version                         Ecflow version(4.7.1) boost(1.53.0) compiler(gcc 4.8.5) protocol(TEXT_ARCHIVE) Compiled on Jan 18 2018 01:15:48
   Status                          RUNNING
   Host                            a303r6n1
   Port                            33083
   Up since                        2018-Jan-30 04:31:46
   Job sub' interval               60s
   ECF_HOME                        /g3/wangdp/ecf_home
   ECF_LOG                         /g3/wangdp/ecf_home/a303r6n1.33083.ecf.log
   ECF_CHECK                       /g3/wangdp/ecf_home/a303r6n1.33083.check
   Check pt interval               120s
   Check pt mode                   CHECK_ON_TIME
   Check pt save time alarm        20s
   Number of Suites                1
   Request's per 1,5,15,30,60 min  0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01

   Restart server                  1
   Ping                            7
   Sync                            9
   News                            20

   Task init                       2
   Task complete                   2

   Load definition                 3
   Begin                           2
   Node delete                     2
   Run                             1
   Suites                          3
   stats cmd                       8

如果 ecflow_server 处于 halted 状态,需要重新启动服务器

手动进入 halted 状态

$ecflow_client --host=login05 --port=33083 --halt
Are you sure you want to halt the server ? y


$ecflow_client --host=login05 --port=33083 --restart

一旦 ecflow_server 处于 running 状态,就可以启动 suite

$ecflow_client --host=login05 --port=33083 --begin=/test



重新启动和开始调度 suite 可以通过 Client Server API 完成,修改 client.py 并重新运行。

译者注:如果之前加载过 suite,则注释掉 ci.load(...) 行。

import os
from pathlib import Path
import ecflow

home = os.path.abspath(Path(Path(__file__).parent, "../../../build/course"))
    print("Loading definition in 'test.def' into the server")
    ci = ecflow.Client('login05', '33083')
    ci.load(str(Path(home, "test.def")))  # read definition from disk and load into the server

    print("Restarting the server. This starts job scheduling")

    print("Begin the suite named 'test'")

except RuntimeError as e:
    print("Failed:", e)

在运行上述代码前,需要先手动删除之前加载的 test:

$ecflow_client --host=login05 --port=33083 --delete=/test
Are you sure want to delete nodes at paths:
  /test ? y
$python test_client.py
Loading definition in 'test.def' into the server
Restarting the server. This starts job scheduling
Begin the suite named 'test'


  1. 重新启动 ecflow_server
  2. 开始调度 suite